

Engrish (イングリッシュ?) is a slang term for unusual forms of English language usage by native speakers of some East Asian languages. The term itself relates to Japanese speakers' tendency to inadvertently substitute the English phonemes "R" and "L" for one another, because the Japanese language has one alveolar consonant in place for both. The related term "wasei-eigo" refers to pseudo-anglicisms that have entered into everyday Japanese.

Engrish features prominently in Japanese pop culture.

Instances of Engrish due to poor translation were frequently found in many early video games produced in Japan, oftentimes due to the creators not having enough (or just not wanting to spend enough) money for a proper translation. One well-known and popular example of Engrish in pop culture is the video game translation phenomenon "All your base are belong to us", which also became an Internet meme.

While the term may refer to spoken English, it is more often used to describe written English.

Engrish can be found in many places, including signs, menus, and advertisements.

Terms such as Japanglish, Japlish or Janglish for Japan, Konglish for Korea, and Chinglish for China are more specific terms for Engrish.

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