
Oekaki (O-ekaki)

Oekaki (お絵描き?) (お: O = Formal prefix, 絵: E = picture, 描き: KAKI = to draw) is the Japanese term to describe the act of drawing, meaning "doodle or scribble".

Oekaki on the Internet refers to a bulletin board system allowing artists to draw online and share their pictures.[1] The drawings are generally not uploaded; pictures are done using an online drawing program inside the web browser. However, some versions of oekaki software do allow uploads, and usually the rules of that oekaki will state that only x number of uploads in a week are allowed.[citation needed] Drawings can be done with a computer mouse, a graphics tablet, or a touch screen.

There are a remarkable number of oekaki message boards, Oekaki Central[2] being one of the largest where users can create their own oekaki board at sites such OekakiBBS.com,[3] though this site is often hard to use for non-Japanese-speakers because much of it is in Japanese or poorly translated English.

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