
Gundam, Real-G and Mecha

The Gundam Series (ガンダムシリーズ Gandamu Shirīzu?) is a metaseries of anime created by Sunrise studios that features giant robots (or "mecha") called "Mobile Suits" (MS); usually the protagonist's MS will carry the name Gundam.

Gundam is a popular cultural icon of Japan; it is a 50 billion yen business of Bandai Namco. (projected 50 billion yen income of the company and reached a highest number of 54.5 billion yen in 2006).[25]

Gundam stamps were published.

The code name for the under-development Japan Self-Defense Forces advanced personal combat equipment is "Gundam".[30][31][32][33]

 The Fire department used Gundam to promote the future of fire fighting developments.

As part of the 30th Anniversary of the Gundam series, the company officially announced a project on March 11, 2009 called Real-G to build a 1:1 real-size, scaled Gundam statue in Japan.[46] The project was finished in early June 2009[47] and opened to the public on July 11, 2009.[48]

Mecha (alternatively: mech, mechs) is a science fiction genre, that centres around robots or machines. These machines vary greatly in size, shape and appearance. Difference sub-genres exist, with varying connotations of realism. Super Robot and Real Robot are two such examples found in Japanese anime.

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