

A mikoshi (神輿 or 御輿?) is a divine palanquin (often improperly translated as portable Shinto shrine). Shinto followers believe that it serves as the vehicle to transport a deity in Japan while moving between main shrine and temporary shrine during a festival or when moving to a new shrine. Often, the mikoshi resembles a miniature building, with pillars, walls, a roof, a veranda and a railing.

Some shrines have the custom of dipping the mikoshi in the water of a nearby lake, river or ocean (this practice is called o-hamaori). At some festivals, the people who bear the mikoshi wave it wildly from side to side to "amuse" the deity (kami) inside.

The most common method of shouldering in Japan is "Hira-katsugi(Normal style) | 平担ぎ" The shout is "wasshoi | wa syoi | わっしょい" and the bearers do not sway the mikoshi.

One famous way of shouldering is "Edomae style | 江戸前" seen by Asakusa Sanja Festival etc. The shout is "say ya, soi ya, sah, sorya...etc" The mikoshi is swayed rapidly, up and down and a little to the right and left.

Odawara (next to the Hakone) "Odawara style | 小田原担ぎ " This is a peculiar way of shouldering in which multiple mikoshis meet and run (Holy Dash).

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