

Naoshima (直島町 Naoshima-chō?) is an island town administratively part of Kagawa District, Kagawa, Japan located in the Seto Inland Sea.

The island is known for its many contemporary art museums. For example, the Chichu Art Museum (literally, "in the earth") houses a number of site-specific installations by James Turrell, Walter De Maria, and paintings by Claude Monet. Designed by Tadao Ando, it is located on one of the highest points of the island, and various exhibits and facets of the museum's architecture take advantage of its commanding view. Another contemporary museum (and hotel) is Benesse House, also by Ando. Another is the Naoshima Fukutake Art Museum, with an outdoor sculpture garden, and a third is the James Bond museum, inspired by the island's use as one of the settings for the 2002 Bond novel The Man with the Red Tattoo by Raymond Benson.[1]

The museums and beauty of the island draw many tourists, whose visits help support the local economy.

However, it is Mitsubishi Materials, loosely affiliated with other Japanese companies of the Mitsubishi name, that dominates industry on the island, as Naoshima has been the site of massive refining by Mitsubishi since 1917.

Benesse Corporation (one of the largest education companies in Japan and based in Okayama) has directed the creation and operation of the island's museums and other projects since the late 1980s.

This series of Benesse Art Site Naoshima projects has caused Naoshima to be recognized inside and outside Japan as a contemporary art mecca, leading to the Setouchi International Art Festival 2010.

Naoshima is the sister city of Timmins, Ontario Canada.

Kagawa Prefecture (香川県 Kagawa-ken?) is a prefecture of Japan located on Shikoku island.[1] The capital is Takamatsu.[2]

Okayama (岡山市 Okayama-shi?) is the capital city of Okayama Prefecture in the Chūgoku region of Japan.

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